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Have an issue with your MyAHEC account?

Before you call us or send a message, make sure you've done the following...

Create your MyAHEC account

You must create and activate a MyAHEC account before you can login to the MyAHEC website. Usernames and passwords issued by other NC AHEC online systems (e.g. AHEConnect, AHEC Digital Library, etc.) do not provide access to MyAHEC. If you do not have a MyAHEC account, click here to begin the account creation process.

Activate your MyAHEC account

Once you create your MyAHEC account, an email containing an activation link will be sent to the Email Address you provide. You must click on this activation link within 24 hours of your initial account creation to activate your account or your account will expire. If you do not receive an activation email within one hour of your MyAHEC account creation, check your email application's spam/junk mail folder.

Other Possible Issues

Difficulty logging in?

Make sure you enter the same Email Address and Password that you used when you created your MyAHEC account. MyAHEC passwords are case-sensitive. Usernames and passwords issued by other NC AHEC online systems (e.g. AHEConnect, AHEC Digital Library, etc.) do not provide access to MyAHEC. If you do not have a MyAHEC account, click here to begin the account creation process.

Forgot your password?

Please be aware that MyAHEC Passwords are case-sensitive. Still can't remember it? No problem. Click here and enter your Email Address in the section labeled "Forgot your Password?" The system will create a new Password for your account and email it to you. You must click on the Password activation link in the email within 24 hours for your Password change to take effect. If you do not receive a Password activation email within one hour of updating your Password, check your email application's spam/junk mail folder.

Forgot your Email Address?

Click here to send us a message and someone will contact you to help resolve your issue.

No longer own the Email Address you used to create your MyAHEC account?

No problem. Just login to MyAHEC using your old Email Address, select the My Account tab, then click "Update Email Address" to provide your new Email Address. Once you provide your new Email Address, the system will automatically send an email containing an activation link to the new Email Address you provide. You must click on this link within 24 hours to activate your new Email Address. If you do not receive an activation email within one hour of updating your MyAHEC Email Address, check your email application’s spam/junk mail folder.

Is MyAHEC not finding your continuing education information?

During the account creation process, the MyAHEC system attempts to determine if information exists for you in the NC AHEC continuing education database. If the system does not identify your CE information, your CE Record will appear empty. If you have attended an NC AHEC continuing education event that awarded credit and your online CE Record is blank, click here to send us a message and we will attempt to identify your CE information and associate it with your MyAHEC account.

Still Have an Issue?

Click here to send us a message and someone will contact you to help resolve your issue.